Author Archives: admin

Humako Sweet Gone Wrong

The above image is Humako Sweet. The below image is a disappointment batch of Humako Sweet’s produced from tissue cultures. I will have to add this to my list of sports that have gone wrong. Actually to see the images of chimeras that have sported to something else, click on this link.

Harmony’s “Little Stinker” Leaf Chimera (Part 2)

Multiple suckers over took the chimera leaf African violet “Little Stinker” resulting in an opportunity to grow multiple new “Little Suckers” and discard some of the plant.

Harmony’s “Little Stinker” Leaf Chimera

I do not believe this leaf chimera is a registered plant in the AVSA data base called first class. Never the less it is a popular chimera leaf African violet and nicely symmetrical. Now if you do not maintain the plant, it will send out small shoots and if you do not remove them and […]

Mice Eat African Violets!

Mice do eat African violets (leaves and stems), apparently they enjoy eating the ones I enjoy growing the most.

A Possible Leaf Chimera?

This is a possible chimera African violet leaf with the image of a maple leaf on it. Can it be propagated? If it a true chimera? Or is it a variegation?

Granger‘s Sugar Frost (A Vintage Chimera)

There are now so many interesting chimera African violets, with some complex coloration and color patterns. I do miss some of the vintage chimeras that have been out for a long time. One of them which will have been registered for 30 years come 1/15/23 (as noted in AVSA “First Class”Reg#7846 1/15/1993). is Granger‘s Sugar […]

Kilauea: A Vintage Chimera African Violet

This vintage chimera plants is a perfect chimera African violet not often seen and available.

Slight Variant of Shimai Bloom?

A slight variant in the green strips of the Shimai blooms was observed.

Another Sport Of Yakako

A sport of Yakako bloomed producing some very dark blooms with possible black chimera edges.

Yachiyo Tabata Sport F3 Appears Stable

Yachiyo tabata Sport F3 appears to be a stable sport of Yachiyo tabata.

8E Danse Macabre; A Beautiful and Most Challenging Chimera African Violet

Description: 8E Danse Macabre is a beautiful but has been a most challenging chimera African violet to grow and propagate.

New Concord & Standard Concord Compared

The non-registered African violet called New Concord bloom is compared to the standard registered Concord and compared.

Chimera African Violet, When a Sport Will Not Stop Sporting.

This is an example of an African violet sport that has no genetic stability in its bloom color.

Can A Chimera African Violet Bloom Reverse Itself?

Can a chimera bloom sport so it color reverses itself?