Category Archives: Uncategorized

Humako Sweet Gone Wrong

The above image is Humako Sweet. The below image is a disappointment batch of Humako Sweet’s produced from tissue cultures. I will have to add this to my list of sports that have gone wrong. Actually to see the images of chimeras that have sported to something else, click on this link.

Granger‘s Sugar Frost (A Vintage Chimera)

There are now so many interesting chimera African violets, with some complex coloration and color patterns. I do miss some of the vintage chimeras that have been out for a long time. One of them which will have been registered for 30 years come 1/15/23 (as noted in AVSA “First Class”Reg#7846 1/15/1993). is Granger‘s Sugar […]

Granger Red and White Stripes

Granger Red and White Stripe is a chimera African violet that appears to be very genetically stable and very aesthetically pleasing.

Sport of Leaf Chimera “Little Stinker”

I have been using the same stem tissue culture propagation method for leaf chimeras as I use for other “flowering” chimera African violets. The outcomes are as expected, true Little Stinker plants. But not quite as consistently. I have seen more variants then I expected. Grant it most are true to the parent. But there […]

Neptune’s Jewels~ A Sport of It

In the process of doing tissue culture to produce some chimera African violets, I noticed an actively growing tissue callus on the stem. It produced a small plant. I knew it was not going to be a chimera as only plantlets produced in the apical meristem region will produce a true chimera African violet. But […]

Party Fun Or Is The Party Over?

Bifurcation of the bloom stalks coloring may be indicative that the chimera African violet plant will lose its chimeric expression.

Sport of “The Alps” Chimera African Violet

I have stem propagated “The Alps” repeatedly with literally zero spots forming.   For me it was one of a hand full of chimera African violets  that have been so stable.   One of “The Alps” that  bloomed true (image directly below) put out a very strong glowing sucker that I just let grow.  It had […]

Chimera African Violet Party Fun

Chimera African violet Party Fun, is unique among the other chimera African violets. The interesting thing about Party Fun is that no two blooms are identical in pattern.

Yukako Sport (continued)

As the Yukako sport continues to grow and it flowers it looks even better then the initial flower and photo from Oct 1st.   Beside the obvious  green strip on white, the green stripe when examined closely has hints of the purple.  Also there is a very thin violet colored edge on each flower.  The  image […]

Standby and watch this site.

A blog dedicated to chimera African violets is now under development.   Check back periodically.  We should be up and running within a few weeks.  The site is in development and will be uploaded soon.