Shimai Twelve Months Later

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With my first batch of Shimai that I grew to sell a few found ther way to Hong Kong and another to Europe.  I usually do not get to see plants I sold after I spent about 12 months culturing the stems and working the near microscopic plantlet into a young blooming plant.  One of the owners of some of the first Shimai I sold was kind enough to share these images with me.  The plant is about 12 months from its first bloom.  The image confirms what I and then some else observed, the green strip strengths and gets greener as the plant matures.     Now this all said the image below has occured in a few of the plants after the first few blooms.

As if Shimai wants to remind of us of it’s roots, Yukako.

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Although I have not observed this degree of purple in any of my Shimai as an occasion bloom with a little purple will appear now and then.  Often time disapperaing in the next bloom.

All this said I still get requests for Shimai and I am still working down the list.  I did have a large batch of young Shimai that did bloom and the quality of the bloom was very poor so they were all discardeed.  In large part that was a consequence of me pushing the number of plants propagated on eash stem.  Not a good idea.  So as I continue to produce more I will be sending out e-mails to those on the list checking if they are still interested and if so will make arrangements to ship a plant.

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